Saturday, March 01, 2008

JBF Sale!

So while the consignment sale is still going on for the rest of the week, it's over for me. I think I may have gone a bit overboard with my buying but I shouldn't have to buy much for Logan over the next 6 months. I got him around 14 outfits consisting of onsies, shirts, pants, shorts, and shortalls that will last him until October at least. I still need to get him some pjs since the only ones I could find in his size were the short/shirt ones and I got 5 of those but no footies (I make him wear footies since he insists on always taking off his socks in the middle of the night and then his feet get cold - I dread the day he realizes HE can take off all of his clothes....), so I'll have to hit up some department stores in hopes of finding clearance ones. I also bought some 18-24 month sized clothes as well so that he has something to hold him over when it starts getting cold in October until the next sale! :) I did find 5 footies in that size so I bought those but it'll be awhile before he fits into them.
I bought him TONS of toys too, again he shouldn't be needing any new ones until the end of the year. I got him a cute little radio flyer bouncy/rocking horse that he loved while we were there but I think in all honesty he might be a tad afraid of it. We also got a "fisher price drop and roar dinosaur" in really great condition with 15 roll around balls for 10$! I was really happy about that and currently I think that's his favorite toy. We also bought some peek-a-blocks, a peek-a-block turtle that you put the shaped blocks into, and a baby grand piano (which of course he's already mastering Mozart on!).
All in all I spent about 60$ on those toys, 90$ on clothes, $15 on DVDs ("Sign w/Baby" and Baby Einstein "Baby Shakespeare"), and $10 on a smaller stroller to keep in the car. I spent a total of $180 which DH was not happy about but I think I got a great deal on all the stuff I bought!
I'll update this with pictures sometime Monday.

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